Izzy Petersen and Matt Suprunowicz met as Teach for America corps members at a Title I school located in a food desert in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Right away, they noticed a disconnect among students, who were largely unaware of where their food came from and what healthy food was. Through a myriad of different choices, Matt and Izzy ended up in Colorado, where the same issues were present throughout the greater Denver area. They asked themselves...
“Wouldn’t it be cool if there was an organization that provided locally grown food and experiential education, focused on sustainability, and helped maintain and support school gardens? On top of that, what if that food went to families that really needed it?”
Their answer? SustainEd Farms.
SustainEd Farms was founded on the principle of providing locally grown food to schools and communities in need. With the mission of contributing to a sustainable food system in the greater Denver area, Matt and Izzy incorporated pilot programming for a year and a half before setting up school partnerships. To this day, SustainEd Farms brings their vision to life by empowering students and providing education on where real food comes from.
Learn more about our programming and current work in Denver and beyond.
We believe farms and gardens are a tool for learning and belong on school campuses. Endless opportunities for sustainability, nutrition, and other lessons come with having this student-centered space. SustainEd Farms partners with schools to ensure that their gardens are thriving learning spaces during the school year and all summer long. In doing this, we can provide equitable access to knowledge and fresh foods to students and their communities.
We believe the best way to learn about sustainability and nutrition is by getting your hands a little dirty. SustainEd Farms builds curriculum and programming that is centered around hands-on experiences in the garden and farm, which empowers students to become sustainability leaders for their community.
We believe real change begins with our communities and that means ensuring they have affordable access to fresh, healthy food. We distribute our produce through student-run farm stands at school sites, our Farm Share Program, and through consistent donations to local food pantries.
Urban food deserts are communities where a majority of the population has limited access to grocery stores and other traditional food sources. These communities are disproportionately low-income and minority populations. We focus on schools near food deserts because they are the populations most affected by food insecurity.
Food insecurity is enabled by inequitable access to sustainability and nutrition education. By increasing access to knowledge, we support students making healthy and sustainable choices. Through authentic hands-on learning in the garden and farm, students take ownership over their learning and apply the lessons to their own lives.