SustainEd Farms saw incredible growth again in 2022. Our operating budget grew by 130%, which allowed us to increase our programming to 26 schools. This nearly doubled the number of students with access to garden learning. With the help of a USDA grant, we were able to deepen relationships with schools and ensure students have access to consistent programming. This also included adding the first goats to a DPS School. We partnered with Huerta Urbana and Bienvenidos to distribute nearly 3,000 pounds of our produce at no cost to food-insecure communities. In 2022, we also expanded into gardens at early childhood centers and affordable housing communities, expanding programming offerings to individuals from age one all the way to the elderly.
In 2023, we will continue to deepen our programming at our partner schools and sites. While expanding our current programming, we will also be piloting new programs, such as: farm stand lessons for lower elementary math classrooms; project-based STEM challenges with upper elementary cohorts, and paid internships for high schoolers. While we will be shifting away from our Farm Share program, we will still be distributing food through Huerta Urbana Farmers Market, Bienvenidos Food Bank, and a few new nonprofit partners. This will ensure all produce grown in our gardens is accessible and affordable to all!
I encourage you to read the full report at the link below:
Best, Matt Suprunowicz, Co-Founder & Executive Director